Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Donating My Hair

Hello beautiful people. I donated my hair. 

A while back, I was planning for Halloween. I was going to Disney with band so I wanted to be a Disney character. I decided to be Edna Mode from The Incredibles. 

I had the dress, the glasses, the tights. I was only missing one thing: the hair. I went onto YouTube and found a tutorial on how to do a fake Bob. 

I didn't think I would like it and it would be only for Halloween, but as soon as I looked in the mirror, I fell in love. 

That was a couple months ago. I had to wait until the marching band season was over because putting short hair into the shako (hat) would be a pain. 

Now that it's over, I finally did it. And I absolutely love it.

My showers are shorter, my life is easier, and it feels really right. 

I will be donating my hair to Pantene's Beautiful lengths. It will be used to make a wig for a woman battling cancer. 

Life is pretty good otherwise. I will be representing the Bay Area in an exchange student program conference. 

I also got accepted for NSLI-Y semifinals. I'm really excited for that because if learn more Arabic and travel and use this blog more. 

That's all I have for today. 

Learn something today. 

