Let the record show I am currently listening to the Grateful Dead in Egypt on YouTube right now. That's right the Grateful Dead played in Egypt 36 years ago. And I am listening to it... right now.
As you all know from my last post, I have given up American social media. It was only a couple days ago, but so far it's probably the best thing I could have done for myself. It relieved a lot of stress and burdens like worrying about the time difference, and trying to keep in contact with some people but not others and everything is just so. much. easier. Oh my goodness.
Speaking of, I have been talking to my Egyptian friends more because I got whatsapp, because no one texts here. People who don't talk to me in school will text me on whatsapp which is great. Literally, everyday for the past couple of days, I have had plans. And I don't know if any of you hang out with people daily, but it is really tiring.
So Wednesday, I had a friend over to study for the Chemistry test. Thursday, I went out with my friend then we went to another friend's place to watch movies and eat junk food. Friday was the first day of ASMUN. And yesterday I had school and then tea with my AFS counselor.
ASMUN aka Ain Shams Model United Nations started on Friday. So I filled out the application, someone called me for my interview on Thursday, and I went on Friday.
Here is the thing that I want to talk about. My mom in America, she's great. She's a lovely lady. I love her. She enrolled me in some safe travelers thing with like the government because you know, her 15-year- old daughter was going to live in Egypt for a year, so ya know. Anywho, now I get emails from the US government about safety threats. Do you know what it's like to be in a foreign country by yourself? It's scary. You know what's scarier? Being 15 in Egypt 7,400-something miles from your family getting emails at night from the US government about terrorist threats. It's probably the scariest thing that has ever happened... And I was that kid who hid under the table when her grandparents took her to a character breakfast in Disney World. I think the worst part is I get them as I'm going to bed because that's like when the US is in between business hours or something. It makes me feel nauseous, and it makes me feel something I can't describe, and I cry and it's really bad.
DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME. I wanted to share ho the emails affected me. But DO NOT worry. (i.e. Gramma and Momy). I pray really hard and then I go to sleep and I wake up unharmed and realize there's nothing to worry about and continue about my life.
So Thursday night I get a gosh darned stupid a'f email. I open it in case it's like really important. The night before I go to Ain Shams, and what does it say? "Over the past month, potentially dangerous activities [blah blah blah] The U.S. Embassy has advised its staff to avoid Cairo University, Ain Shams University, Al-Azhar University, Alexandria University, and the surrounding areas." That's copy-and-pasted. On that list is Ain Shams University. That was probably the worst feeling I've ever experienced as reading that email.
Of course I went anyway. As I have explained. I love the UN. I am not missing this opportunity. Nothing happened while I was there. I was safe, I had fun... and I took a taxi home by myself. (!!!) Yay Corie!! We talked about the UN and Human Rights and I was around people who care about it and it was great.

So there's lots more I want to say, but I want to separate them and make them really nice because I think that they are really important. So yeah.
If you like the Grateful Dead or jam bands or Arabic or me click here. It's Grateful Dead mixed with Egypt like perfectly. And there is Arabic singing and I love it so much. Click it. It's great. See Katy Perry, the Grateful Dead came to Egypt.
I will now return to being lazy because I have a lot of classes tomorrow. I also watched God's Not Dead today. And when I post about religion I will probably talk about it. But it was a great movie, in case you were wondering.
Stay beautiful.
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